Small hiccup, corruption, reworking, see you next week.

Just a quick word - I am in the process of writing up this blog entry, but it should be said that the current version where I had more widget work as well as a merchant has been lost and corrupted. I have kept multiple backups, and have only lost maybe 3, 4 hours work. It's not the end of the world.

That being said, when I started this project I really really was clueless. About programming and unreal itself. So, despite being 10 or so hours deep, I have opted to start again. A lot of file structures I had were not simple to find the blueprints necessary, I wasn't properly up to date with unreal and tried moving a lot of assets around which only duplicated a folder because it was still in use in another location, and a lot of the coding and variables read pretty horribly as well.

So, with the interest of trying to become a more neater, stricter programmer, I have started fresh! This time, I'm aware of some mix ups with file structuring, I don't have starter content so already my project is almost 1GB smaller, and I am using many more comments whilst re-working my way through the inventory system to try and make better sense of it all. By the end of this coming week (WC 13/03/17) the next blog post will be up explaining the more detailed functionality of the inventory, including drag and drop functionality.

By the end of the month for certain I should be back where I was. There is a rough patch on trying to balance out all aspects of design, and as of late I have left the AV to suffer. So the latter end of march will be spend mostly modelling, texturing, and doing foley work. This is why I have given myself a longer time window to catch back up with coding.


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