Games City Festival

Quick blog post time! So basically uni is starting to swing into full work again, unfortunately I am not. Mixture between a flu and also just feeling rather unmotivated this year has meant I have fallen a little bit behind. Currently, there are a few upcoming interim deadlines, and whilst we do not have to submit anything for these, doing so only hurts our chances of passing the course. And it's almost all paperwork. So much paperwork. Lots of boring documents to fill out here 'n there, and not really a great deal of time for working on the blog. Or, rather, nothing interesting enough for a blog. Fortunately though, I do have something I can talk about! Games City Festival! It's been going on for several years now at Hockley, Nottingham, the creative arts district of the city. Last year I was a volunteer but because I live on the other side of derby, getting in was a pain, so this year I've instead gone sheerly as a visitor, and went to go see a few devs and games...