Architecture - Blueprint coding an Inventory System

Quick explanation of why there wasn't a blog post last week!

I had originally intended to have a video uploaded as there was a lot I wanted to talk about regarding blueprints, and audio design, although the main reason was to showcase the inventory system I had been working on over the previous weeks.

Unfortunately, trying to record the inventory system crashes the screen recording equipment and crashes unreal at the same time. I am trying to find a work around, although a lot of the functionality would require gifs or videos.

The inventory system at the moment is still a WIP, although it is coming to a close as I start preparations on the crafting widgets and blueprints to start the games core mechanic. Currently, the player can drag and drop the location of the inventory, right click to access a menu of actions, read maps, drink potions, stack items, and sort the inventory by pre-determined categories, as well as discard x amount of the stack of items.

A lot of these would be easier to showcase in a visual format, which is what should have been last weeks blog post. Unfortunately, this was not the case. I am in the process of trying to find a fix for this and can hopefully get the blog post out by next week.


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