W/C 16th Jan - Milestones and Whiteboxing

From the start of this week, a lot of the blog will be updated based around certain milestones to try and keep the development cycle on track.

The concepts have been completed along side of a design document and a lab report, so the next steps outside of research are whiteboxing.

The previous posts have hinted at some of the whitebox modeling, and by the end of this week the aim is to have all of the whitebox levels completed, and production started on a trial for HUD's and UI's. 

There will also be some further development on storyboarding for the scripted scenario, and a production list required for Audio, both foley and soundtrack design.

The whitebox levels will serve as a starting point and a building block for architecture in the Unreal Engine, as well as being a good start to receiving feedback. As an example, if I asked a colleague and they would be unable to distinguish the castle interior to the tailoring emporium then it will be valuable feedback and easy to change before any real detail has gone into engine.

This will be spread between Asset Development and Architecture to begin with, therefore it would be feasible to assume all the whiteboxes will be completed in version 1.0 by the week end, which should allow me to start work on a more solid HUD other than the simplistic concept.

For Audio, we have been playing around in Logic Pro again, and I was able to strike some inspiration for a sountrack. The games characters will be a wide cast, such as a Celtic Blacksmith, and whilst stumbling around within instruments and loops, I discovered a few tracks that would serve as a character theme. Originally, the sound design didn't include any themes outside of areas, such as for the castle, or the main menu. However, if the characters theme was a less crowded and more traditional version of their respective buildings theme, perhaps in a different scale, then it would flesh out the original soundtrack well. 


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