
What Now?

So now that I have graduated with a 2:1 (BSc Hons! Woo! Part of me was worried I wouldn't make it!) I am beginning the work life. I am unemployed for the time being and very slowly chipping my way through Python in my own time. I am looking for work that pays more than minimum wage, although I understand that because I would require A  job to start getting myself into the industry, this will be open to discussion. This does also mean that perhaps I don't start at a junior programming position yet. Maybe I work in QA, for example. A friend of mine recently took up a QA job, and it's not a bad idea! As for this blog, the lack of any blog posts should give it away. Originally it started because it was a part of our university module, to create and maintain a blog for a year during our 2nd year, which could also double-up as a production log and portfolio where necessary. I haven't kept this up for the third year and am looking for a better place to hold my work than blog...

My 3D Project - The Alt Gaming Lounge

Man I have got to find a better place to hold my stuff than Blogger. Currently, for the games engine, I am working on setting up a github jekyll page that will link to a git folder containing my end of year project. I would also like to upload some of the paperwork for both of these submissions, but no surprise, Blogger does not support that! Deary me. Click on the images below to open them up in a higher resolution.

A year (almost) later

Well this blog was intended to be solely for university, and to an extent it still is. I passed the second year with a 2:1 total, unsurprisingly lacking on the AV side of things, but I got 78% on my engine work! I want to start publishing a few more photos, screen caps, documents and such, because I will be entering the industry within a few years with any luck. If I am not picked up by a company at any level, be it QA or further, then I plan to start a project with a few of my friends I have made along this road. It would be exciting for sure, but my goal is the industry. In fact, there's an internship opportunity at Ubisoft that I would LOVE! Obviously the chances are slim, but man, what an experience that would be, right? So you might see a few more posts popping up throughout the year as this transitions more into an online portfolio The game definitely suffered from a lack of art on the UI. That being said, it's minimalist, using a lot of transparent shades of gre...

3D Asset Portfolio

As per usual, clicking on any of the pictures below will open them in the native 1920x1080 resolution.

Inventory system is done! Kind of!

I don't want to go on too long about what I have just done with the inventory system, but all being well, aside from the occasional bug that I am still looking to fix, it will be done, and I can start on the game world mechanics such as a day/night cycle, a calendar, and in-game time. Whenever the player picks up an item, there is a boolean called "Show Obtained Notification?" If this is enabled, the player will receive a small pop-up telling them what item they just obtained. If it is disabled, the item will still be added to the inventory, it just won't show the notification. There is a sort button (on the mouseover) (also, custom mouse pointer!) that when clicked will organise the inventory by the enum to the left, clicking it again will trigger a flip-flop and reverse the sort (From A-Z, then Z-A) It will sort by the item's category (What order they appear in the BP_MasterItem Category Enum) By the amount of items in a stack (From 99-1, the...